Do be civilized and considerate.
Do try and express your thoughts carefully and clearly.
Don’t get personal. A good general rule to follow is, “criticize ideas, not people”.
Don’t post personal / racial / ethnic / gender-based insults, slurs or offensive comments.
Don’t post junk.
Don’t post advertisements.
Don’t post useless, off-topic material.
Don’t post contact details such as phone numbers, physical address details, email addresses or any other type of contact details
If a review already exist of a cigar you want to post about, please make a comment on the already existing one. The only exception is if the existing one is old.
We hold the right to edit your post if it’s needed. This includes but is not limited to rewording curse words, and spell check. This should be the extent of our involvement but we hold the right to edit your entry as we see fit.
Be sure to keep your post clean, but don’t be afraid to be honest.
Please update your Profile. You can do this in the “Site Admin”.